Friday, April 29, 2011

The Last of the Short Posts

Cora Munro: You've done everything you can do. Save yourself! If the worst happens, and only one of us survives, something of the other does, too.

Hawkeye: No, you submit, do you hear? You be strong, you survive... You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you.


  1. So disappointed. I was really looking forward to some SCSD! Royal Wedding coverage.

  2. Hey Shane,
    Just wanted to let you know that I took a picture with Kyrie Irving, NdotSmitty, and the Plumlee brothers on Duke's LDOC. Mission accomplished. I wanted to go talk to KSing but my friend disapproved of the "harassment." Shame I actually listened to him.
    So, you watching the playoffs at all? Paul Pierce's "forceful face rub" was certainly interesting:
